Monday, July 09, 2007

Effective Morning walk!

Are your morning walks boring?You must have tried carrying your i-pod for keeping you entertained.And i can sense that you are still bugged up with this exercise.Right? Also do you feel your tummy baby is not willing to reduce?Are you feeling embarrassed in a jean shop?Has it been a long time since you have lost yourself dancing in a DJ night?Do you want to shake your hips like Shakira?Here is a technique which will make this exercise effective than never before.This small piece of information can be taken as a joke, or could be implemented. I bet; you will be amazed by the results.

Here it goes......

While going for a morning walk take a dog with you.Where, you don't need to pull him, he will drag you along with him. And you need to run behind him like a 'what'?(Of course like a dog).I bet, this exercise will be very effective for people who think to reduce weight in a matter of few days.


Anonymous said...

Hi! thats great, who can forget our glorious days with celine's physics :) so u working in madras now?
nice blog u have here


Anuradha said...

Hey thanx Guhan,

Yeah I am working here in Chennai...
also how can we forget Rosario sir's chemistry....;-)

Anonymous said...

Did u try that urself ??
I have even better idea for guys ... jst mark some beautiful gal who jogs in the same area ... jst catch up with her in morn and she will automatically drag u with her :P

Anuradha said...

nope i actually want to try taking a dog during morning walk....

excuse me!!!
does that mean u compare a gal with a dog??????????